Sunday (24/4) 23:15 ITV4 Airplane! (1980)
The story follows an outbreak of a virus on a flight which takes many passengers and the pilot ill. A retired fighter jet pilot (Robert Hays) and a doctor (Leslie Nielsen) must work together to bring the plane home safe, with the help of a rag-tag team of air traffic controllers. In reality, this is a vehicle for hilarious quick fire gags of all types and subjects. It shouldn't work, but it really does. It may not give the razor sharp wit and perceptiveness of a Monty Python, but it is memorable, quotable, highly non PC, and above all fun.
Tuesday (26/4) 12:45 Film4 12 Angry Men (1957)
Sidney lumet's wonderfully acted amd directed drama which brings together some of the best character actors of the era, including Lee J Cobb and Martin Balsam alongside the star of the show, Henry Fonda. They make up a jury who are deliberating on a murder case, which looks fairly cut and dry, but the evidence may not be as solid as it first seems. This takes place almost entirely in one room and is not structured like a drama in the traditional sense, it doesn't hang of a guilty or innocent verdict, it is an immersive multiple character study, almost unrivaled for depth and interest.
Friday (29/4) 21:00 Film4 Zombieland (2009)
Ultra-modern stylistic comedy about a small group of survivors travelling the US looking for others after a zombie Apocalypse. After a stern Woody Harrelson and timid Jesse Eisenberg team up, luck brings them across sisters Emma Stone and Abigail Breslin, who have their own agenda. This may not successfully fuse the horror together with comedy as successfully as The Evil Dead, which is still so famous for doing so, but the laughs are certainly there, along with good special effects and fast paced story.