After watching Hideo Nakata's original Dark Water, which I enjoyed, I wanted to know how good the 2005 remake was without having to watch it.. incase it turns out to be a waste of time. Has anybody seen it?
Of course US horror remakes historically get nowhere near the quality of the original, but funnily enough i think the Naomi Watts version of the Ring has perhaps as much to offer as the Japanese original, also directed by Nakata. I haven't seen them for a while and i may revise this if i rewatch them all but i wasn't totally taken with the original. This may be an unpopular opinion, and I admit it doesn't happen very often, but the remake is a different type of horror film, less of the feeling of terror but alot more story to offer which I personally liked. And ever since Mulholland Drive i have loved Naomi Watts, which probably helped.