This was a strange little film.
A woman in her apartment can hear a cat meowing but can't trace the sound. She seems to have little to do so it becomes an illogical obsession which brings her in contact with the lives of her neighbours. Nobody else seems to hear it and the other residents in the building begin to suspect her of having an alterior motive.
With it's oddball characters, offbeat music and meandering plot, this strange film ensures you don't know where it's going to take you, and in fairness is charming because of it. I found myself thinking about how the strange goings on were going to be brought together along with a resolution to the mystery, but in reality her hunt for the source of the noise was a simple meowcguffin to facilitate the rest of the story. I was trying to predict the ending, but when it came it was so predictabe, I couldnt have predicted it. Instead of being plot driven, this is more about the little things in life, idiosyncrasies that make human interaction interesting. I rather enjoyed it for what it was yet I didn't see too much merit in it really. Strange to say but at 85 minutes it actually felt overlong, and certainly didn't work hard enough to be memorable.
2.5 out of 5